California Real Estate Commission
California Real Estate Commission address is 1651 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, California 95815, the main phone number is (877) 373-4542.
California Real Estate Commission Fax Number: (916) 263-8943
What is California Real Estate Commission Phone Number?
California Real Estate Commission phone number where you can talk to a real person at CA REC office is (877) 373-4542
California Real Estate Commission Website
California Real Estate Commission Mailing Address
Below is California Real Estate Commission address for either sending official mail or visit California Department of Consumer Affairs – Bureau of Real Estate offices:
Agency: California Department of Consumer Affairs – Bureau of Real Estate
Street: 1651 Exposition Blvd.
City: Sacramento
State: California
ZIP Code: 95815
What does California Real Estate Commission do?
California Real Estate Commission is California state real estate agency that provides services and information including:
* Real Estate Licenses
* Brokers & Relator Licenses
* License Lookup & Verification
* Brokers & Relator Exams
* Regulation & Legislation
* Publications
* Real Estate Compliance
* Education Programs & Compliance
* Public Records Management
California Real Estate Commission Terms You Need to Know
Watch this video to learn the most important department of real estate terms and real estate terms you should now: what are the important real estate terms and their definitions? What are some common real estate vocabulary words I should know? and more California Real Estate Commission terms: is a free website for users, to get real estate commission & department of real estate information including California Real Estate Commission and all states. We are independent and not associated with any of the federal or state’s government departments, offices, agencies, boards, or commission.
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